Results for 'Samuel Hutchison Beer'

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  1.  18
    The city of reason.Samuel Hutchison Beer - 1949 - New York,: Greenwood Press.
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    Extending ideas of numerical order beyond the count-list from kindergarten to first grade.Jane E. Hutchison, Daniel Ansari, Samuel Zheng, Stefanie De Jesus & Ian M. Lyons - 2022 - Cognition 223 (C):105019.
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    III. Liberty and Union.Samuel H. Beer - 1984 - Political Theory 12 (3):361-386.
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    Causal Explanation and Imaginative Re-enactment.Samuel H. Beer - 1963 - History and Theory 3 (1):6-29.
  5. British planning under the Labor government.Samuel H. Beer - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Two models of public opinion: Bacon's "new logic" and diotima's "tale of love".Samuel H. Beer - 1974 - Political Theory 2 (2):163-180.
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    The Rule of the Wise and the Holy.Samuel H. Beer - 1986 - Political Theory 14 (3):391-422.
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    The City of Reason.George H. Sabine & Samuel H. Beer - 1950 - Philosophical Review 59 (1):128.
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    Some letters from Jakob Samuel Wyttenbach to Sir James Edward Smith.G. R. de Beer - 1949 - Annals of Science 6 (2):105-114.
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    The City of Reason. [REVIEW]H. A. L. & Samuel H. Beer - 1950 - Journal of Philosophy 47 (14):416.
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    The City of Reason. Samuel H. Beer.Sydney Jackman - 1949 - Isis 40 (3):298-299.
  12.  53
    The Pursuit of Wisdom: Reflections on Some Recent Pursuers:Man and Metaphysics. George Plimpton Adams; The City of Reason. Samuel Beer; Existence and Inquiry. Otis Lee; The Protestant Era. Paul Tillich, James Luther; La Science, La Raison, et La Foi. S. van Mierlo; The Philosopher's Way. Jean Wahl; Introduction to Realistic Philosophy. John Wild. [REVIEW]Warner A. Wick - 1949 - Ethics 59 (4):257-.
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    Book Review: Critical Essays on Samuel Taylor Coleridge. [REVIEW]William E. Cain - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (1):151-152.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Critical Essays on Samuel Taylor ColeridgeWilliam E. CainCritical Essays on Samuel Taylor Coleridge, edited by Leonard Orr; vi & 194 pp. New York: Twayne, 1994, $42.00.“Coleridge, as you doubtless hear, is gone,” wrote Thomas Carlyle, August 12, 1834, to Ralph Waldo Emerson: “How great a Possibility, how small a realized Result.” There is now a huge Coleridge industry in the academy, engaged in producing editions of (...)
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    Essay review The editor in the republic of letters Eric G. Forbes, Lesley Murdin and Francis Willmoth(eds.), The Correspondence of John Flamsteed, First Astronomer Royal. Volume 1: 1666–1682. Bristol and Philadelphia: Institute of Physics Publishing, 1995. Pp. xlix+955. ISBN 0-7503-0147-3. £140.00, $280.00. Heinz-Jurgen Hess, James G. O'Hara and Herbert Breger(eds.), Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: Sämtliche Schriften und Briefe. Dritte Reihe, Mathematischer, naturwissenschaftlicher und technischer Briefwechsel: Volume 3, 1680–1683; Volume 4, 1683–1690. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1991, 1995. Pp. lxx+895; lxvi+747. ISBN 3-05-000766-4, DM 490.00 (Volume 3); 3-05-002602-2, DM 490.00 (Volume 4) (series ISBN: 3-05-000075-9). Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann(ed.), Samuel Pufendorf. Gesammelte Werke, Band 1: Briefwechsel(ed. Detlef Döring). Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1996. Pp. xxix+453. ISBN 3-05-001920-4. DM 298.00. [REVIEW]Michael Hunter & Malcolm De Mowbray - 1997 - British Journal for the History of Science 30 (2):221-225.
    The editing of the correspondence of major figures in intellectual history is an essential scholarly activity. Yet in this country in recent years it has neither been the priority it should be, nor has it received the support that it deserves. Of course there have been exceptions to this, perhaps notably – for the early modern period – the epic one-man effort of Esmond de Beer in his later years in producing The Correspondence of John Locke (though this regrettably, (...)
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    Darwin's use of the analogy between artificial and natural selection.L. T. Evans - 1984 - Journal of the History of Biology 17 (1):113-140.
    The central role played by Darwin's analogy between selection under domestication and that under nature has been adequately appreciated, but I have indicated how important the domesticated organisms also were to other elements of Darwin's theory of evolution-his recognition of “the constant principle of change,” for instance, of the imperfection of adaptation, and of the extent of variation in nature. The further development of his theory and its presentation to the public likewise hinged on frequent reference to domesticates.We have seen (...)
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    No Vax, No Entry: Understanding Australia’s Rejection Of Novak Djokovic.Samuel Duncan - 2022 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 17 (2):143-161.
    This paper explores the Australian community’s reaction to the deportation of unvaccinated tennis star, Novak Djokovic, in the lead up to the 2022 Australian Open. The analysis interprets the community’s hostile reaction to Djokovic by understanding community as both a structural and dynamic concept and, even more so, how fluid, evolving macro influences of community or group identification can intensify the demands of individuals to compromise for the common good based on ingrained expectations of the community. To do this, Norbert (...)
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    Philosophical Expertise Put to the Test.Samuel Schindler & Pierre Saint-Germier - 2023 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 101 (3):592-608.
    The so-called expertise defence against sceptical challenges from experimental philosophy has recently come under attack: there are several studies claiming to have found direct evidence that philosophers’ judgments in thought experiments are susceptible to erroneous effects. In this paper, we distinguish between the customary ‘immune experts’ version of the expertise defence and an ‘informed experts’ version. On the informed expertise defence, we argue, philosophers’ judgments in thought experiments could be preferable to those by the folk even if it were true (...)
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  18. Is the Basic Structure Basic?Samuel Scheffler - 2006 - In Christine Sypnowich (ed.), The Egalitarian Conscience: Essays in Honour of G. A. Cohen. Oxford University Press.
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  19. Responsibility, reactive attitudes, and liberalism in philosophy and politics.Samuel Scheffler - 1992 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 21 (4):299-323.
  20. Consequentialism and its critics.Samuel Scheffler - 1989 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 179 (1):129-130.
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    Social Dimensions of Moral Responsibility.Marina Oshana, Katrina Hutchison & Catriona Mackenzie (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Oup Usa.
    The essays in this volume open up reflection on the implications of social inequality for theorizing about moral responsibility. Collectively, they focus attention on the relevance of the social context, and of structural and epistemic injustice, stereotyping and implicit bias, for critically analyzing our moral responsibility practices.
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    Reimagining research ethics to include environmental sustainability: a principled approach, including a case study of data-driven health research.Gabrielle Samuel & Cristina Richie - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (6):428-433.
    In this paper we argue the need to reimagine research ethics frameworks to include notions of environmental sustainability. While there have long been calls for healthcareethics frameworks and decision-making to include aspects of sustainability, less attention has focused on howresearchethics frameworks could address this. To do this, we first describe the traditional approach to research ethics, which often relies on individualised notions of risk. We argue that we need to broaden this notion of individual risk to consider issues associated with (...)
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    Concepts as a working hypothesis.Samuel D. Taylor - 2021 - Philosophical Psychology (4):569-594.
    Some philosophers argue that all concepts cannot have the same representational structure, because no single kind of representation has been successful in accounting for the phenomena related to the formation and application of concepts. Here, I argue against this “appeal to cognitive science” by demonstrating that different theories of the kind concept cohere with different interpretations of the argument. To circumvent the threat of relativism, I argue that theories of concept should be understood as working hypotheses, which are provisionally accepted (...)
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    Ethical Sensibilities for Practicing Care in Management and Organization Research.Anne Antoni & Haley Beer - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 190 (2):279-294.
    Management and organization researchers are being called to conduct research that is more caring, yet the concept of care and how to practice it within the profession is undertheorized. Adopting a feminist epistemology and methodology, we develop the concept of care by weaving the personal, ethical, and political into the research process. First, we reflect critically on how aspects of care—attentiveness, responsibility, competence, and responsiveness (Tronto, Moral boundaries: a political argument for an ethic of care, Routledge, 1993; Tronto, Caring democracy: (...)
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  25. A Philosophical Treatise of Universal Induction.Samuel Rathmanner & Marcus Hutter - 2011 - Entropy 13 (6):1076-1136.
    Understanding inductive reasoning is a problem that has engaged mankind for thousands of years. This problem is relevant to a wide range of fields and is integral to the philosophy of science. It has been tackled by many great minds ranging from philosophers to scientists to mathematicians, and more recently computer scientists. In this article we argue the case for Solomonoff Induction, a formal inductive framework which combines algorithmic information theory with the Bayesian framework. Although it achieves excellent theoretical results (...)
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  26.  42
    Philosophical and literary pieces.Samuel Alexander - 1939 - Westport, Conn.,: Greenwood Press. Edited by John Laird.
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    Minimal assumption derivation of a weak Clauser–Horne inequality.Samuel Portmann & Adrian Wüthrich - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 38 (4):844-862.
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    Science and religion: An origins story.Samuel J. Loncar - 2021 - Zygon 56 (1):275-296.
    In recent scholarship, the science and religion debate has been historicized, revealing the novelty of the concepts of science and religion and their complex connections to secularization and the birth of modernity. This article situates this historicist turn in the history of philosophy and its connections to theology and Scripture, showing that the science and religion concept derives from philosophy's earlier tension with theology as it became an academic discipline centered in the medieval, then research university, with the centrality of (...)
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    ‘The Heat of a Feaver’: Francis Bacon on civil war, sedition, and rebellion.Samuel G. Zeitlin - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (5):643-663.
    ABSTRACT This article contrasts Francis Bacon’s understanding of civil war, sedition, and rebellion with that of his near contemporaries and predecessors, especially Montaigne, Bodin, Machiavelli, Alberico Gentili and Edward Forset. The article contends that for Bacon, civil war, sedition, and rebellion are the antitheses of good government and that which prudent policy aims to avoid. The article further argues that for Bacon as sedition and its extremities are caused by poverty and discontentment, and these, in Bacon’s view, are the result (...)
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  30. Original meaning, democratic interpretation, and the constitution.Samuel Freeman - 1992 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 21 (1):3-42.
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    Liberalism and Distributive Justice. A Précis.Samuel Freeman - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
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  32. The law of peoples, social cooperation, human rights, and distributive justice.Samuel Freeman - 2006 - Social Philosophy and Policy 23 (1):29-68.
    Cosmopolitans argue that the account of human rights and distributive justice in John Rawls's The Law of Peoples is incompatible with his argument for liberal justice. Rawls should extend his account of liberal basic liberties and the guarantees of distributive justice to apply to the world at large. This essay defends Rawls's grounding of political justice in social cooperation. The Law of Peoples is drawn up to provide principles of foreign policy for liberal peoples. Human rights are among the necessary (...)
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  33.  77
    Judith Butler and political theory: troubling politics.Samuel Allen Chambers - 2008 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Terrell Carver.
  34. Individual responsibility in a global age.Samuel Scheffler - 2001 - In Boundaries and Allegiances: Problems of Justice and Responsibility in Liberal Thought. Oxford University Press.
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    Similarity Structure and Emergent Properties.Samuel C. Fletcher - 2020 - Philosophy of Science 87 (2):281-301.
    The concept of emergence is commonly invoked in modern physics but rarely defined. Building on recent influential work by Jeremy Butterfield, I provide precise definitions of emergence concepts as they pertain to properties represented in models, applying them to some basic examples from space-time and thermostatistical physics. The chief formal innovation I employ, similarity structure, consists in a structured set of similarity relations among those models under analysis—and their properties—and is a generalization of topological structure. Although motivated from physics, this (...)
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  36. Piercing the smoke screen: Dualism, free will, and Christianity.Samuel Murray, Elise Dykhuis & Thomas Nadelhoffer - forthcoming - Journal of Cognition and Culture.
    Research on the folk psychology of free will suggests that people believe free will is incompatible with determinism and that human decision-making cannot be exhaustively characterized by physical processes. Some suggest that certain elements of Western cultural history, especially Christianity, have helped to entrench these beliefs in the folk conceptual economy. Thus, on the basis of this explanation, one should expect to find three things: (1) a significant correlation between belief in dualism and belief in free will, (2) that people (...)
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  37.  43
    Causation and cognition: an epistemic approach.Samuel D. Taylor - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):9133-9160.
    Kaplan and Craver :601–627, 2011) and Piccinini and Craver :283–311, 2011) argue that only mechanistic explanations of cognition are genuine causal explanations, because only evidence of mechanisms reveals the causal structure of cognition. I first argue that this claim is grounded in a commitment to the mechanistic account of causality, which cannot be endorsed by a defender of causal-nonmechanistic explanations. Then, I defend the epistemic theory of causality, which holds that causal explanations are not genuine to the extent that they (...)
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    Critical notices.James Hutchison Stirling - 1905 - Mind 14 (1):85-92.
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  39. The Meeting of Two Worlds: Europe and the Americas 1492–1650.M. Wilson Samuel - 1993
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    Neural Oscillations and the Initiation of Voluntary Movement.Samuel Armstrong, Martin V. Sale & Ross Cunnington - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The rational peasant.Samuel Popkin - 1980 - Theory and Society 9 (3):411-471.
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  42.  60
    How (not) to measure replication.Samuel C. Fletcher - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (2):1-27.
    The replicability crisis refers to the apparent failures to replicate both important and typical positive experimental claims in psychological science and biomedicine, failures which have gained increasing attention in the past decade. In order to provide evidence that there is a replicability crisis in the first place, scientists have developed various measures of replication that help quantify or “count” whether one study replicates another. In this nontechnical essay, I critically examine five types of replication measures used in the landmark article (...)
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  43. A demonstration of the being and attributes of God.Samuel Clarke - 2007 - In Elizabeth Schmidt Radcliffe, Richard McCarty, Fritz Allhoff & Anand Vaidya (eds.), Late modern philosophy: essential readings with commentary. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    The interval of motion in Leibniz's pacidius philalethi.Samuel Levey - 2003 - Noûs 37 (3):371–416.
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    Origins of the other: Emmanuel Levinas between revelation and ethics.Samuel Moyn - 2005 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    True Bergsonianism : beginnings of a philosopher -- The controversy over intersubjectivity -- Nazism and crisis : the interruption of a trajectory -- Totaliter aliter : revelation in interwar thought -- Levinas's discovery of the other in the making of French existentialism -- The ethical turn : philosophy and Judaism in the Cold War.
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  46.  20
    Structures in the subjective lexicon.Samuel Fillenbaum - 1971 - New York,: Academic Press. Edited by Amnon Rapoport.
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    A Restatement of Economic Liberalism.Samuel Brittan - 1988 - Humanity Books.
    This book attracted attention on first publication under the title of "Capitalism and the Permissive Society" as a spirited defence of capitalism aimed at radicals who valued personal liberty above conformity and authority. It is, if anything, of even greater relevance today now that the political debate centres more on the uses and abuses of both the market and government inter-vention. In this new edition, the author discusses the latest developments in the world of ideas and events. His verdict on (...)
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  48. Pure realism:: Platonism as a serious contemporary alternative.Samuel Wheeler Iii - 2010 - Annales Philosophici 1:91-109.
    When it becomes a subject for a deep and systematical analysis, Platonism proves to be a serious rival for contemporary realisms in providing a modern metaphysics. Not only that pure Platonic realism has the advantage of elegance and clarity, but it also show at least three less abstract advantages: first, the Parmenidean principle is adhered to rather than being accepted just most of the time. Second, pure realism avoids the category of metaphysical necessity and third, the ontology becomes more simple, (...)
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  49. ha-Yiḥus ha-madaʻi.Samuel Krauss - 1905
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  50. Faith and morals in the space age.Samuel Mathai - 1973 - Bombay,: Somaiya Publications.
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